11 JUL 2024

Transformative LNG Technology Project in Canada

Galileo´s Boil-off Gas Compression and Reliquefaction solutions to be operating in near future for Saint John LNG.

Transformative LNG Technology Project in Canada

Galileo Technologies is proud to announce a significant project with Saint John LNG, a fully owned subsidiary of Repsol. This innovative project aims to address the challenge of boil-off gas (BOG), a part of normal operations in the LNG industry. Traditionally, BOG is compressed and sent back to the pipeline. Through the installation of Galileo Technologies' reliquefaction solution, Saint John LNG will be able to recover and store this resource to serve the market, especially during times of high demand.


The agreement encompasses the design, fabrication and installation of 8 Boil-off Gas (“BOG”) compressors, 15 CryoboxTM units and associated utility packages, which will be provided from Galileo’s manufacturing center in Middlesex, New Jersey, and marks an important milestone in the company's commitment to innovation and sustainability.


The impact of this project is substantial, with the potential to re-liquefy approximately 10 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of natural gas, equivalent to 120,000 gallons of LNG. By implementing advanced compression and re-liquefaction technologies, the new technology will enhance operational efficiency and improve service to local customers.


"This project represents a significant investment in the future of our operations," said Courtney Jones, General Manager at Saint John LNG. "By optimizing our processes and harnessing innovative technologies, we are poised to deliver greater value to our customers while advancing our sustainability objectives."


Ty Webb, Galileo North America’s Sr. Vice President, stated, “We are very proud that we have been selected to support Saint John LNG in their significant project venture.  Our experienced team of LNG and project professionals will utilize their extensive experience and our innovative solutions to ensure a successful project for all parties. 


This award will add to Galileo’s depth of recent projects the company has participated in North America, utilizing a variety of natural gas sources ranging from traditional pipelines to livestock waste digesters to landfills, and now from LNG storage vessel boil-off gas.  This award continues to show our abilities across many industries and allows us to bring value to our customers.

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